Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Fever

I am happy to announce that spring seems to have finally arrived in Ireland!

After weeks of alternating rain and weak sunlight, I was more than a little confused when I got back from Italy and saw people walking around in shorts and tank tops! Especially because when I left Ireland, the sporadic outbreaks of hail/snow had left the street outside my apartment looking something like this:

The temperature has actually only been in the high 50's, which, a year ago probably would have made me shiver, but apparently Ireland has broken my spoiled Southern Californian ways because I now think it feels downright tropical.

It's been a little hard to get out of vacation mode and back into school mode with the weather being so nice. My classes are done for the semester, but it is now time to write final papers and prepare for my exams. Admittedly, I have probably spent a little too much time this week lounging by the river and enjoying the sunshine when I should have been in the library, but it is hard to stay inside on a sunny day in Ireland, especially when they are such rare occurrences.

In the spirit of Spring, I thought I would share some of the beautiful things to be seen around Galway this time of year: (I took these photos a few weeks ago when my friend Kristin came to visit)

A perfect day for a walk by the river.

A small, old castle we found along the way:

About a month or so ago, I saw a lot of daffodil sprouts popping up all over the place and then suddenly, they were everywhere! They all bloomed at the same time and for about a week, there were bright, sunny daffodils everywhere you looked! I don't think I've ever appreciated a daffodil more than after such a cold, rainy winter.

I hope you are all having as pleasant a Spring as I am!


  1. It is interesting how much more fun spring can be when the winter is so cold and dark.

    The flowers look gorgeous. The yellow is so bright and cheery.

  2. I LOVE the daffodils!! Enjoy the sun while you can - I hope it lasts through May!

  3. don't get too comfortable with that weather. remember you have to come back to California this summer. we don't want you dying of a heat stroke in 75 degree weather!
